웹:Magic Grid
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== 개요 == Masonry와 비슷한 레이아웃을 보여주는 독구.(핀터레스트의 이미지 배치와 유사하다.) Masonry에 비해 사용이 쉽다. <br /> == 사용법 == === js === 다음 코드의 출처는 https://velog.io/@hyeseong-dev/djangomagic-grid-articleapp 아래 전체를 js파일로 만든다.<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript+django"> 'use strict'; /** * @author emmanuelolaojo * @since 11/11/18 */ /** * Validates the configuration object. * * @param config - configuration object */ var checkParams = function (config) { var DEFAULT_GUTTER = 25; var booleanProps = ["useTransform", "center"]; if (!config) { throw new Error("No config object has been provided."); } for(var prop of booleanProps){ if(typeof config[prop] !== "boolean"){ config[prop] = true; } } if(typeof config.gutter !== "number"){ config.gutter = DEFAULT_GUTTER; } if (!config.container) { error("container"); } if (!config.items && !config.static) { error("items or static"); } }; /** * Handles invalid configuration object * errors. * * @param prop - a property with a missing value */ var error = function (prop) { throw new Error(("Missing property '" + prop + "' in MagicGrid config")); }; /** * Finds the shortest column in * a column list. * * @param cols - list of columns * * @return shortest column */ var getMin = function (cols) { var min = cols[0]; for (var col of cols) { if (col.height < min.height) { min = col; } } return min; }; /** * @author emmanuelolaojo * @since 11/10/18 * * The MagicGrid class is an * implementation of a flexible * grid layout. */ var MagicGrid = function MagicGrid (config) { checkParams(config); if (config.container instanceof HTMLElement) { this.container = config.container; this.containerClass = config.container.className; } else { this.containerClass = config.container; this.container = document.querySelector(config.container); } this.items = this.container.children; this.static = config.static || false; this.size = config.items; this.gutter = config.gutter; this.maxColumns = config.maxColumns || false; this.useMin = config.useMin || false; this.useTransform = config.useTransform; this.animate = config.animate || false; this.started = false; this.center = config.center; this.init(); }; /** * Initializes styles * * @private */ MagicGrid.prototype.init = function init () { if (!this.ready() || this.started) { return; } this.container.style.position = "relative"; for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { var style = this.items[i].style; style.position = "absolute"; if (this.animate) { style.transition = (this.useTransform ? "transform" : "top, left") + " 0.2s ease"; } } this.started = true; }; /** * Calculates the width of a column. * * @return width of a column in the grid * @private */ MagicGrid.prototype.colWidth = function colWidth () { return this.items[0].getBoundingClientRect().width + this.gutter; }; /** * Initializes an array of empty columns * and calculates the leftover whitespace. * * @return {{cols: Array, wSpace: number}} * @private */ MagicGrid.prototype.setup = function setup () { var width = this.container.getBoundingClientRect().width; var colWidth = this.colWidth(); var numCols = Math.floor(width/colWidth) || 1; var cols = []; if (this.maxColumns && numCols > this.maxColumns) { numCols = this.maxColumns; } for (var i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { cols[i] = {height: 0, index: i}; } var wSpace = width - numCols * colWidth + this.gutter; return {cols: cols, wSpace: wSpace}; }; /** * Gets the next available column. * * @param cols list of columns * @param i index of dom element * * @return {*} next available column * @private */ MagicGrid.prototype.nextCol = function nextCol (cols, i) { if (this.useMin) { return getMin(cols); } return cols[i % cols.length]; }; /** * Positions each item in the grid, based * on their corresponding column's height * and index then stretches the container to * the height of the grid. */ MagicGrid.prototype.positionItems = function positionItems () { var ref = this.setup(); var cols = ref.cols; var wSpace = ref.wSpace; var maxHeight = 0; var colWidth = this.colWidth(); wSpace = this.center ? Math.floor(wSpace / 2) : 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { var col = this.nextCol(cols, i); var item = this.items[i]; var topGutter = col.height ? this.gutter : 0; var left = col.index * colWidth + wSpace + "px"; var top = col.height + topGutter + "px"; if(this.useTransform){ item.style.transform = "translate(" + left + ", " + top + ")"; } else{ item.style.top = top; item.style.left = left; } col.height += item.getBoundingClientRect().height + topGutter; if(col.height > maxHeight){ maxHeight = col.height; } } this.container.style.height = maxHeight + this.gutter + "px"; }; /** * Checks if every item has been loaded * in the dom. * * @return {Boolean} true if every item is present */ MagicGrid.prototype.ready = function ready () { if (this.static) { return true; } return this.items.length >= this.size; }; /** * Periodically checks that all items * have been loaded in the dom. Calls * this.listen() once all the items are * present. * * @private */ MagicGrid.prototype.getReady = function getReady () { var this$1 = this; var interval = setInterval(function () { this$1.container = document.querySelector(this$1.containerClass); this$1.items = this$1.container.children; if (this$1.ready()) { clearInterval(interval); this$1.init(); this$1.listen(); } }, 100); }; /** * Positions all the items and * repositions them whenever the * window size changes. */ MagicGrid.prototype.listen = function listen () { var this$1 = this; if (this.ready()) { var timeout; window.addEventListener("resize", function () { if (!timeout){ timeout = setTimeout(function () { this$1.positionItems(); timeout = null; }, 200); } }); this.positionItems(); } else { this.getReady(); } }; let magicGrid = new MagicGrid({ container: '.container', animate: true, gutter: 30, static: true, useMin: true }); var masonrys = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (let i = 0; i < masonrys.length; i++){ masonrys[i].addEventListener('load', function(){ magicGrid.positionItems(); }, false); } magicGrid.listen(); </syntaxhighlight>각각의 개체들이 움직이는 속도는 style.transition 의 시간을 조정하면 되고, 개체들 사이의 간격은 마지막 gutter의 숫자를 조정하면 된다. === html === ==== 스타일에 대한 코드 ==== <syntaxhighlight lang="css+django"> <style> .container div { /* container클래스 안의 div 태그에 적용되는 것. */ width: 250px; background-color: antiquewhite; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border-radius: 1rem; } .container img { width: 100%; } </style> </syntaxhighlight>css코드로 적절하게 내부 요소에 대한 style을 지정하면 된다. ==== 본문에 사용할 코드 ==== <syntaxhighlight lang="html+django"> <div class="container"> <div> <img src="https://picsum.photos/200/300"> </div> <div> <img src="https://picsum.photos/200/340"> </div> ...... </div> </syntaxhighlight>이들 이후에 <code><script src="{% static 'invitation/magicgrid.js' %}"></script></code>같은 형식으로 스크립트 파일을 불러와야 제대로 작동한다. [[분류:웹]]
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